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  Aunt Leigh-Perrot's House The Two Cassandra Austens The Austen's House in Gay Street The Austen's Queen's Square House
Bath Abbey Roman Baths Castle Coombe. 'Coombe' means vally. Jane's Garden at Chawton Cottage
Jane's Garden at Chawton Cottage The Great House at Chawton- where Jane's Brother lived. Soon to be the Centre for Women's Literature Looking up at the trees in the Circus The Collonade in Bath- Think 'Persuasion'
Royal Crescent Backs- each had it's own architect! The Georgian Garden, Bath The Gravel Walk, ala' Persuasion The Jane Austen Centre
Mr. Austen's Grave at St. Swithin's, Bath Pultney Bridge Royal Crescent Fronts Saxon Church- oldest standing structure in Britain. Bradford-on-Avon. Not the Avon of course- Britain has four! Avon means 'river'.
A Sedan Chair in the Pump Room Driving Past Stonehenge St. Swithin's- where the Austen's were married and Mr. Austen is buried. Sulus Minerva- god of the Roman Baths
The Theater Royale- Bath Victoria Park, South of the Crescent Austen's Home, Chawton Cottage The Assembly Rooms and Costume Museum
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